Shipping & Returns



Poster prints are printed on demand. Once purchase of prints are completed, please allow 7-14 days to process, produce, and ship prints. For international customers, please allow 2 weeks. Once your order is shipped, you will receive a confirmation email informing you that your package is in transit along with a tracking number. Shipments are delivered by various carriers. (USPS, FEDEX, UPS, and DHL)

Canvas prints are printed on demand. Please allow 7-14 days to process, produce, and ship. For international customer, please allow 2-3 weeks.

Apparel pieces are printed on demand. Please allow 7-10 days for production and shipping.


Once purchase of item(s) are completed, all sales are FINAL as production cannot be stopped once it's started. Please be sure to have correct item(s) (product and size), shipping/billing address, and payment methods before submitting your purchase.


If your item(s) are damaged after delivery, please submit the issue via contact form within 3 days of delivery date to receive a reprint or a refund. Please prepare to have photos of damaged item(s), and proof of tracking information showing the delivery date. You will then receive instructions to ship damaged item(s) to the business. Any notifications after 3 days of delivery date cannot be reprinted or refunded, and a new order will need to be placed. No returns on any FINAL SALE items.